Final Conference 29 October 2021
Final Conference of the Italia-Malta Project “I know – Interregional Key Networking for Open innovation empowerment.”
29 October 2021, Aula Magna – University of Messina, from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
A final conference will be held on 29th October at the Aula Magna of the University of Messina for the closing of the cooperation project Interreg V-A Italia–Malta I Know – Interregional Key Networking for Open innovation empowerment. The aims of the project were the promotion of the establishment of start-ups and the growth of competitive enterprises with an Open Innovation approach, which is an opportunity to implement actions and receive services with consequent generation of development and business opportunities between the two Islands.
The closing event is being organised by the Science and Technology Park of Sicily, the project’s lead partner, and is aimed at disseminating the achieved results, their cross-border sustainability and follow-up actions, experiences, best practices, and testimonies from beneficiaries.
The event will be divided into five sessions.
One session focusing on results dissemination will be presented by the partnership’s internal coordinators of the University of Messina, University ‘Kore’ of Enna, and University of Malta, and by the company Arkimede, a partner of the Messina-based incubator Innesta.
Another session will present the experiences of the start-up businesses, which have benefited from provided services and opportunities:
- Rossella Vadalà – Edypack, a start-up that has used the incubation and acceleration services through the partner Arkimede;
- Klaus Conrad – Headstart Technology, a startup that has used the incubation and acceleration services through Takeoff incubator at the University of Malta;
- Anna Cacopardo and Arianna Campione – Kymia Start-up, the winner of the Hackaton organised by the partner UNIKORE of Enna;
- Alessandra Bitto –Sun Nutra Pharma, a start-up that has been assisted by the partner UNIME in relation to required patenting activities;
- Carlo Sciuto – Accurami (spin-off Park Smart), has agreed a letter of intent to the technology transfer with Maltese entrepreneurs/market.
To promote the establishment of long-lasting cooperation activities between Sicilian and Maltese enterprises and to strengthen entrepreneurial initiatives, three more sessions have been added to make the event even richer. They will centre on: 1) Innovation, Belt&Road Initiative and opportunities for the South Mediterranean Area; 2) The New Silk Roads and the economy of the southern Mediterranean Area; 3) Trade opportunities for the Southern Mediterranean Area within the “New Silk Ways”.
Institutional authorities from Sicily and Malta will attend these last three sessions, in addition to representatives of the world of associations and enterprises from Sicily, Malta, China, and experts from the University of Milan.
Participation is open to enterprises, start-up and spin-off businesses, researchers, investors, representatives of clusters, and associations.
In compliance with current laws to stop the spread of Covid-19, participants will be asked the ‘Green Pass’ to enter the hall.
The event will be broadcast via video streaming at https://www.facebook.com/progettoiknow/