Technology Transfer – UniME

Technology Transfer – UniME

Advances have been made between Sicily and Malta also in the establishment of new businesses, the exchange of best practices and cooperation relationships. In particular, since the economic framework has deeply changed in Sicily and Malta due to the current pandemic, the University of Messina has decided to more actively involve the Sicilian confederation of artisans and small and medium enterprises (CNA), and the Med Europe Export Consortium, a multisector organization gathering Sicilian businesses, with the purpose of launching a large-scale questionnaire to understand what is happening and what are the true needs of Sicilian businesses following the economic upheaval of this last year.

You can access the questionnaire at the following link


To allow for an accurate survey to be carried out under the lead of Professor Mucciardi of the University of Messina, 300 enterprises have been cherry-picked from the CERVED register kept at the Union of the Sicilian Chambers of Commerce in proportion to the number of businesses existing in each of the nine Sicilian provinces. These enterprises will be soon called by the interviewers who will explain the relevance of the questionnaire and its expected impact. During the interview, enterprises will be also informed about the establishment of the ‘Open Innovation Service Lab’ Platform

The goal behind the questionnaire is that of pursuing not only the project’s specific objectives, but also to provide public policy makers with a realistic overview to then consider and evaluate the best actions to be undertaken to the end of identifying priorities among the investments to be included in the ‘EU Recovery plan’.